How To Get Confident On Camera: Power Guide
Do you get nervous speaking on camera?
Maybe you get anxious speaking in general?
Are you crippled with social anxiety?
Are you someone who realises how important it is to become confident speaking on camera with the digital world we live in today?
Despite knowing this, you just can't pull yourself together to hit the record button and start speaking.
Mental Blocks
So many thoughts going through your head:
How do I look?
How do I sound?
What will people think?
Do I have anything worth saying that people will listen to?
My mind goes blank, I can't think straight.
Public speaking is regarded as being on the of the greatest fears of our age.
The days of speaking in front of large auditoriums have been replaced with speaking to hundreds, thousands even millions across social media via video.
But the fear still remains: speaking publicly.
This mental block is severely restricting you from living an empowered and impactful life.
What Will You Do?
However, you have two choices:
1. Continue to suppress yourself and avoid speaking; or
2. Overcome this fear and anxiety to start making videos so you can freely express yourself to make the impact you're capable of in your life and for others.
What would life look like for you if you overcame this fear?
How would you be able to express yourself?
What message would you be able to put out?
How many people would you be able to help?
What impact would it have on your business?
How would it improve your relationships?
How much stronger and empowered will you feel?
It's no secret - speaking confidently is one of the GREATEST skills to have.
Without doubt, it is LIFE-CHANGING!
Why Do You Need To Develop This Skill?
In the digital age we're in today, getting confident on camera is imperative for your business!
It's important for you to express yourself and get your message out.
Billions of people are now scattered across social media - and video is the most powerful way to set yourself apart from the crowd.
Getting confident on camera isn't something you want to's something you have to do!
It also has a major impact on all areas of your life, not just online.
So why do you need to develop this skill? It will help you with:
🎙 Starting a YouTube Channel
🎙 Teaching an online course
🎙 Marketing your products and services
🎙 Building business relationships
🎙 Online meetings
🎙 Making videos so your audience gets to know you
🎙 Improving your mood
🎙 Improving your self-esteem
🎙 Improving your relationships
🎙 Making you happier & livelier
🎙 Reducing your stress and anxiety
🎙 Interviewing people and getting interviewed by people
🎙 Presentations
🎙 Sales calls
The Power Guide
This power guide is designed to help you overcome your anxieties and fears.
It firstly discusses the core root of your problem - if you don't understand why you have the fear you have, how can you tackle it?
It then provides tips and tricks to help ease your anxieties and set you on your way to start making videos.
Whilst the guide isn't designed for video editing, there is a small section on equipment. However the main focus is to give you the push to get over your fear and anxiety and just start making videos!
There is also a powerful self-assessment exercise to help you overcome the mental blockage in your mind.
This self-assessment will help you dive deeply into your personal fears, as well as serve as the greatest motivation to tackle this problem, which you can refer back to time and time again.
There are some fantastic bonuses as well, detailed below.
You are getting a ridiculous amount of value for a next to nothing price-tag.
The price is stupendously low as this is a relatively new product; naturally the price will increase shortly.
Who Am I
My name is Zulfaqar.
I was a quiet and shy school-geek who suffered from severe social anxiety.
I was the type of person who got nervous making calls to book appointments to the doctor or the dentist. I was petrified of public speaking. Even with family and friends I didn't talk much.
Whilst I had a successful career, it just felt as if I was only functioning at 50% and that I had so much more to give but was incapable because I wasn't confident.
I pretty much was a bedroom philosopher, so many crazy and clever ideas would hit my mind - but I could NEVER express them to anyone else.
I missed out on so many opportunities that came my way, because I didn't deal with my fear.
However, I changed all of that. It was difficult. It took a long time. But I started making videos online.
Eventually the nerves and anxiety decreased, and I started to open up more on video.
I even started making silly videos of me singing, dancing, acting and making a fool out of myself - considering I was petrified to even squeak in front of others, that's a MAJOR achievement.
As a result of making these videos online, my confidence and self-esteem shot up!
I now have better relationships with friends and family.
I'm able to confidently sit in HIGH-LEVEL business meetings.
Lucrative opportunities started to come my way.
I've been able to make some solid business partnerships.
I put this Power-Guide together to help you kick-start your ultimate tool in personal development, rather than waste years like I did in hiding from this obstacle.
What You'll Get
✔ Why you feel fear and anxiety
✔ How to overcome fear and anxiety
✔ Tips and tricks on how to get confident on camera
✔ Advice on how to deal with crippling thoughts
✔ A POWERFUL self-assessment exercise which will give you clarity and serve as your foundation towards self-empowerment
⭐Special Bonus Number 1
Step by step template on how to construct the perfect marketing video.
⭐Special Bonus Number 2
Skills & Values List. What skills do you have? When most get asked this question they don't know the answer. A lot don't even recognise what a skill is. This document contains a long list of skills and values to help you clarify which skills you have or which you'd like to develop.
What Happens Next
Click on the I WANT THIS button and place your order.
You will then have instant access to the Power-Guide.
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